NaPoWriMo – Day Eight – ‘All the Vagrants”

So sorry this is a day late, day eight’s prompt was in the image of the Spoon River Anthology, which is a lovely collection on monologues from the dead, by Edgar Lee Masters.

‘All the Vagrants’

Do not cry if you wouldn’t have cried before –
I am just another face forgotten, another life forgotten,
Another life lost, another person walking along the street
Who you only think once of, you never noticed twice.
It was me walking with my backpack on that mid morning
Too close to the thin road, day too hot to think,
All those cars too close, too fast, too late to be remorseful, now,
Maybe I was a friend, maybe I was a stranger,
Most likely I was a stranger, even to family.

But my soul keeps on walking, keeps on writing,
Keeps on talking – I’m only leaves in the fall.
Fresh grass in the Spring, stray cats on the streets,
A shadow under your foot fall, and only this, and nothing more.
Do not cry for where I go-
For you did not cry before.