NaPoWriMo – Day Five – ‘Errand Day’

Today’s prompt was a little more complicated to do and as I had a busy day I couldn’t get to it until now. The prompt is called “The Shapes a Bright Container Can Contain,” after this poem by Theodore Roethke, and requires you to pick a poem and then write a new poem that has the shape of the original as well as starting with the same letter as in the original.

I picked Karle Wilson Blaker’s “I Shall Be Loved As Quiet Things” which also has an ABCB rhyme scheme.

‘Errand Day’

I wish you could feel as I feel:
A full belly and hot from bath,
Comfortable in my own skin
Despite the aftermath –

Touched by a full and busy day
That was ten years long and full of rain,
Awash with errands to do, and places
To drive insane.

Could you only be here now,
Thinking with me about how forever
That all took, we will say never again
Belittling the endeavor.

Today was a day ten years long
Under heavy clouds and quiet songs,
Any other day it would have been too much,
Too many wrongs.

Focusing on the now, and how warm
Coming home was, wet roads no more,
Only sitting in brief astonishment and wonder,
What more could I ask for?

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