NaPoWriMo – Day Nineteen – ‘A Walk at 5am’

I’m having a terrible time this year keeping up. Anyway, today’s NaPoWriMo prompt was to do an ABC poem. I do not have the skill to do a traditional one, so I’ve merely written a poem in each line begins with a word in alphabetic order. I hope you all enjoy and have a lovely day!


‘A Walk at 5am’

Aching, I cannot help but leave the house at this hour,
Barely taking the time for the necessities, wallet, phone and boots.
Calming down has always been an easy difficult thing for me, I stomp out
Dawn has not cracked, won’t crack for hours, danger in only in cars
Easing their sleepy owner towards some destination, but right now
Fresh air is waiting in the darkness outside, and the city silence
Greets me with the shush of its cars, I will leave home and step out into the
Hungry, dappled shadows thrown by street lights through the trees along the road.

I will walk alone, tired of everything and stifled, I only need to get out. It will be
Just a harmless walk. I know what way to go, from here to where ever my feet take me, that
Knowledge has long since settled into my bones, a wanderlust for blind nighttime walks.
Letting my heart drift in the early morning breeze, there is no moon or
Moon light, just the gentle curvy of a back road, patches of darkness slipping between
Notches of warm, golden, orange light. I wonder where my heart might take me this time.

On down the road, there is a sea of asphalt for the strip mall, and only the barber and arcade open.
Perhaps, it is vacant enough to rest. There are little cars to care about, and little care from their drivers.
Quickly enough this black sky will lighten, but for now I have found somewhere to relearn how to breathe,
Reality will slink back into place eventually, and the sky will lighten as more noises pitch in as the world wakes.

Sitting here, right now, I know that time passes too soon, and I will have to move, reverse my walk, and go back
To that house. I will go back into my room, resume an honest life by the light of day, but right now
Under this lamp, behind the cover of night, I can live slowly. In the gentle touch of wind I can hear god’s
Voice, and for the first time it is not belittling me for all the weaknesses I have felt throughout the week.

Would you ask me to stop, to step back into that place even a minute sooner, when right now the world is so
Xenodochy, nonjudgmental of who it welcomes – as it has welcomed me. I’ve no doubt it would welcome
You. But now, see, the light is breaking, and I must leave it all, I must go now that the world is shaking itself awake
Zealously – but maybe tonight, or tomorrow morning, I will find my heart wandering me back to this place.


If you enjoy my writing please check out my published work on Amazon!

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